
We are a group of creatives, happily growing since its inception

  Our Mission

The African Women’s Alliance of Waterloo Region is a nonprofit community based organization founded in 1995. Our mission is to promote African culture and heritage to members of the African community and the general populace in Waterloo Region through educational and social activities. We also seek to provide a strong support system for African women and their families living in the Waterloo Region as they seek to combat the prevailing structural barriers in their journey. African Women’s Alliance of Waterloo Region supports new families to settle in this area by providing them with information about existing services & programs.

  Our Objectives

– To maintain and promote African heritage and culture among African families
– To increase awareness and an appreciation of African heritage, history, and culture in the Waterloo Region
– To give local service providers and organizations the tools, language and strategies to understand the unique needs of African communities
– To communicate and cooperate with other organizations and individuals with similar objectives
– To assist members of the African community, especially new immigrants, in integrating into the Canadian environment
– To provide a framework for educating African women and their families about issues related to settlement in Canada
– To encourage the establishment of resources to meet the needs of African Women and their families
– To empower African women and their families to contribute as productive, well-functioning members of their chosen land
– To make available our views, opinions and suggestions on all issues pertaining to the wellbeing of Africans
– To influence change in legislation, policies, practices and norms that currently limit the effective integration of Africans into the social fabric of the country of their choice

  Our Governance

The African Women’s Alliance of Waterloo Region is governed by a volunteer board of directors. Each member of the board also contributes to subcommittees for specific ongoing projects. All of our programs are run by volunteers. We hold an annual event for volunteer appreciation. For information on how you can contribute to the African Women’s Alliance, please visit our volunteer page.

How we say "Welcome"

Marhaba, Bienvenido, Bbarka da zuwa, Welkom, Karibu, Bienvenue, Ndewo.

Activities at a Glance

Weekly, monthly and annual events.

